Suzuki Early Childhood Education Class (ages 0-3.5):

• The Suzuki Early Childhood Education class is a weekly class for children and parents from birth to age four. Developed from the concepts of the world renowned Suzuki Method, this class has a nurturing and encouraging environment where children learn from one another and work on building listening, pitch recognition, fine motor, and social skills. Each week children will have the opportunity to experience different instruments through listening and playing. "When the environment is rich and unpressured a child not only learns a skill, but also gains a sense of purpose in life, an understanding of discipline, and an appreciation of beauty." --Dr. Suzuki

We are thrilled to be offering Suzuki Early Childhood Education or SECE classes at KCSA! This class has been a favorite of many of our students who now study an instrument in our program..

Academic Year Sessions of SECE Class:

• Thursdays 5:00-5:45pm

• Saturdays 9:00-9:45am

• Tuition Payment Options - Yearly: Full Academic Year - $475 or 9 tuition installments of $65 – Tuition covers weekly scheduled classes or events, except for the weeks when the school is on Holiday or has performances that involve SECE students, see calendar in sidebar for details. SECE tuition is pro-rated for students that join mid-year. All tuition is pro-rated for mid-academic year starts.

Click Here to register for SECE